Community centre & church complex
30,000sqft 2017
Situated on a natural slope surrounded by local parks with dense greeneries, this 5-storey community centre & church complex is designated to house various community services, is ambitiously functioning as a lighthouse to serve and heal the local communities, needies and destitudes.
The building is also packed with features such as universal design for the disabled groups, greenwalls to increase green coverage within the building footprint, and rainwater harvesting facade which contributes to the rainwater harvesting system which has already been designed into the building.
A ramp which extends the experiences of travelling from various directions towards the building, is designed according to MS1184 allows the occupants including wheelchair users to travel up to the auditorium level at level 2. The experiences of travelling along the ramp while greeting by the various greeneries at the greenwalls, is reminiscing about the experiences of seeing trees while walking along the existing footpaths, or walking among the trees while strolling at the local parks.
Outdoor decks located at various levels of the building, facing the existing parks are also introduced as social spaces, encouraging face to face interactions among people, while enable occupants to appreciate the greens. Aquaponics farming system will be placed at each decks, acting as educational tools for the local communities and schools.